Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Introduced the mutual industrial strengths of China during the China-Switzerland Business Dialogue in Zurich.

China-Switzerland Business Dialogue Promotes Bilateral Cooperation in Zurich

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On June 19th, the China-Switzerland Business Dialogue and the second installment of the China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) Swiss Roadshow took place in Zurich, aligning with the visit of a Chinese business delegation led by Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

Highlights of the Event

Key Attendees and Discussions: Ren Hongbin, along with Chen Yun, Chinese Consul General in Zurich and for the Principality of Liechtenstein, Xie Guoxiang, Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, Stefan Barny, Director of Global Network & Institutional Relations at Switzerland Global Enterprise, and Robert Wiest, President of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, were among the prominent figures at the event. Over 100 business leaders from China and Switzerland participated.

Promoting Mutual Strengths: Ren Hongbin highlighted China’s extensive market and integrated industrial chains, and Switzerland's advanced economic status and industrial capabilities. He emphasized the mutual strengths of both countries and the potential for enhancing supply chain cooperation. Ren urged Swiss companies to participate in the upcoming CISCE to deepen cooperative ties and streamline global supply chain processes.

Encouragement for Swiss Participation: Chen Yun praised the success of the inaugural CISCE and urged Swiss companies to take advantage of the opportunities at the second expo to enter the Chinese market. Xie Guoxiang pointed out the vast potential for cooperation between China and Switzerland, encouraging more businesses to engage in collaborative projects.

Support from Swiss Organizations: Stefan Barny from Switzerland Global Enterprise committed to facilitating greater Swiss involvement in the upcoming expo, viewing it as essential for strengthening Sino-Swiss and global economic relations. Robert Wiest expressed satisfaction with the CCPIT’s organization of the expo, recognizing it as a professional platform that aids in the orderly development of international trade.

Future Prospects and CISCE 2024

The second CISCE is scheduled for November 26-30, 2024, in Beijing, featuring exhibition areas for advanced manufacturing, intelligent vehicles, green agriculture, clean energy, digital technology, healthy living, and supply chain services. Over 400 companies, from local enterprises to global players, have already committed to participate, indicating strong international interest and engagement.


The China International Supply Chain Expo aims to promote international trade and cooperation by providing a platform for showcasing innovations in various industries. It serves as a hub for businesses to exchange ideas, explore new technologies, and establish international partnerships.

China Automotive Systems, Inc

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