2024 Global Outdoor Business Summit

HIKMICRO Concludes Successful Global 2024 Overseas Agent Conference in Hangzhou

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HIKMICRO, a leader in the outdoor optics market, recently concluded its first Global 2024 Overseas Agent Conference at its "House of Silk" headquarters in Hangzhou. The event brought together global partners and media to align on the company's vision of "Grow Together, Explore Together."

During the conference, HIKMICRO highlighted its strategic focus on "EXPLORE," emphasizing technological innovation, product reliability, and customer-focused solutions. The company also shared its impressive growth trajectory, revealing a 35% market share in the outdoor business sector as of May 2024, solidifying its position as the global leader in thermal imaging.

HIKMICRO’s overseas director, Stefan Li, expressed excitement about the company’s success in the hunting market, attributing it to the strong global network of distributors and localized promotional efforts. The event served as a platform to discuss expansion into the daytime hunting sector and unveil new product lines set for release before the August hunting season.

The conference also strengthened relationships with key partners, with participants from the UK and France expressing their enthusiasm for HIKMICRO's growth plans. Additionally, a media open day provided insights into the company's research and development center, showcasing its technological advancements.

HIKMICRO emphasized that the conference fostered valuable information sharing, product knowledge, and personal connections, setting the stage for continued innovation and growth in the outdoor optics market.


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