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Sinofy Group and EloQ Communications Partner to Assist Technology Firms’ Expansion to China, Vietnam and Southeast Asia

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″ ][cs_element_layout_row _id=”2″ ][cs_element_layout_column _id=”3″ ][cs_element_text _id=”4″ ][cs_content_seo]Sinofy Group and EloQ Communications are teaming up to help tech firms build their branding in China, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian markets. The purpose of this partnership stemmed from the increasing need of adapting international tech brands to the Chinese and Asian markets. EloQ is a […]

An Overview of the Beijing Startup Eco-System

It is hard to imagine that only 20 years ago “China’s Silicon Valley” was but a village in Beijing’s Haidian District. Namely, Zhongguancun has since become a very well known, fully developed technology hub in China which facilitates both native and international scientists and technology experts. The founder of Zhongguancun, Chen Chunxian, first came up […]

How to Start Doing Business in China?

China is known as a business hub in Asia. How can you start a business in this place? What are the things you need to consider? You need to consider what, where, when and how to plan it. Good planning is very essential. Here’s how to start a business in China. You must know a […]

How to Establish Your China Distribution Network Effectively

Selling to the rapidly expanding market in China is a great opportunity for most global businesses. While many business owners may be very excited by the market potential in China, it’s very difficult for them to start with the strategy and establish distribution channels in the Chinese market. Sinostep had helped a variety of international […]

Chinese Business Etiquette 101 for Doing Business in China

With the large and prosperous market, China could be your most lucrative country to do business in. But doing business in China is not simple at all. China is considered by many businessmen to be the most difficult country to break into. I’m sharing the basics of doing business in China as Chinese Business Etiquette […]

Checklist before you launch your Chinese website

When launching a Chinese website, you can often forget a number of things in your eagerness to make it live. This blog reviews the most important and necessary checks that a typical Chinese website should be checked against before the official launch. This check list will be helpful for you to avoid unnecessary costs and […]

How to set up a WFOE in China

What is a WFOE? A WFOE in China is a 100% wholly foreign-owned enterprise doing business in China. The foreign company has sole responsibility for its profits and Losses. It is required to register as a legal person who is restricted to certain businesses. The enterprise is able to implement strategies that effectively conform to […]

Guide to form a company in Hong Kong

To open a new company in Hong Kong, you need to register it with the Companies Registry and the required permits for operations. Once the company becomes a legal entity, you have to register it with the Hong Kong Tax Authorities. This is a complete guide to assist you to form a company in Hong […]

Chinese Digital Marketing Tools

Latest popular Chinese digital marketing tools. Making your Chinese Digital Marketing easier. Chinese Search Engines Baidu: TOP Chinese search engine, Baidu SEO Haosou: Newly launched in Jan., 2015, previous 360 Search Google HK: Banned in Mainland China. Sogou: invested by tencent and merged SOSO Bing CN: by Microsoft, the quality is improving Youdao: by […]

The Rise of Entrepreneurship in China

China has been getting economically stronger for the past few decades and is a common business partner to many Western companies today. Entrepreneurs would like to do business with China, but what holds many of them back are the big cultural differences and failures. In order to enter the Chinese market, companies have been looking […]

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