Photo shows a Quanzhou delicacy made from crabs and oranges.

Quanzhou City Seeks UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy Status

In Fujian by China Business ForumLeave a Comment

Quanzhou City in Fujian Province has launched its bid to become a Creative City of Gastronomy under UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network. This network, established in 2004, encourages cities to use creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development. Quanzhou's plan highlights its rich culinary history, abundant marine resources, and thriving food industry, which exceeds 100 billion yuan in output value.

Quanzhou's Rich Culinary Heritage

Quanzhou, with its extensive history and vibrant culture, boasts a strong foundation in the food and beverage sector. The city is known for its Geographical Indication products like Anxi Tie Guan Yin tea and Yongchun vinegar. Quanzhou plans to enhance its delicacy industry by expanding catering market entities to over 150,000 and nurturing leading catering enterprises by 2027.

Expert Support and Strategic Plans

The city has engaged 22 expert consultants to aid in the application process and has introduced a comprehensive work plan. This includes developing characteristic delicacy streets and fostering enterprises with significant annual sales. The initiative aims to drive domestic demand, boost consumption, and improve employment.

Vision for Sustainable Development

Quanzhou's ambition to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network aligns with its vision to integrate culinary excellence into its broader economic and social development. The city aims to leverage its culinary strengths to foster sustainable growth and enhance its global reputation.

Community and Economic Impact

With a focus on culinary culture, Quanzhou intends to attract more tourists, stimulate local economies, and provide employment opportunities. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to elevate the city's status on the international stage and promote cultural exchange.


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