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[Hey China!] Autonomous flying cars to hit Chinese sky soon, says AI KOL Nina Rong

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Nina Rong is a high flyer. And so is the product she is helping to develop: autonomous flying cars! The digital nomad and VP of Communication at Beijing-based AI company Generalized Intelligence is also community leader of the Beijing Chapter of Ladies Who Tech. The social enterprise was started by women in the STEM industries who challenge the status quo …

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[Hey China!] What is the magic formula of Chinese tech entrepreneurship?

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Two pioneers in the tech startup space, Oscar Ramos and Geoffrey Handley of Chinaccelerator, talk to Hey China to decipher what sets Chinese entrepreneurship apart and what ultimately leads to long lasting success: “Humility, asking for advice, and constant learning” “The magic ingredient is the mentors” “Making money is easy. Building a business is much harder” Chinaccelerator is the first …

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How to Establish Your China Distribution Network Effectively

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Selling to the rapidly expanding market in China is a great opportunity for most global businesses. While many business owners may be very excited by the market potential in China, it’s very difficult for them to start with the strategy and establish distribution channels in the Chinese market. Sinostep had helped a variety of international companies develop and manage their …

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Chinese Business Etiquette 101 for Doing Business in China

In All, Doing Business in China by China Business Forum1 Comment

With the large and prosperous market, China could be your most lucrative country to do business in. But doing business in China is not simple at all. China is considered by many businessmen to be the most difficult country to break into. I’m sharing the basics of doing business in China as Chinese Business Etiquette 101, from my previous consulting …