What Did Everyone Search for On Xiaohongshu in the first half (H1) of 2024

China’s Lifestyle Trends in H1 2024: Insights from Xiaohongshu’s Mid-Year Report

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Xiaohongshu, a leading lifestyle platform in China, recently released its mid-year search report for 2024, shedding light on key lifestyle trends based on the platform’s user search data. With 300 million monthly active users by the end of 2023, 50% of whom belong to Gen Z, Xiaohongshu has become an integral part of daily life for many in China, particularly in helping users make everyday decisions.

The report reveals that users, on average, engage in six searches per day, with peak activity occurring between 3 PM - 5 PM and 8 PM - 10 PM. Search topics span a wide range, from fitness and fashion to food, travel, and relationships, reflecting the platform's role as a comprehensive lifestyle resource.

Travel Trends and the Rise of Small-Town Tourism

One of the notable trends highlighted in the report is the growing popularity of small-town tourism. In 2024, young adults increasingly sought out trendy small cities, with Yuncheng, Bijie, and Quzhou emerging as the top destinations. Additionally, museum visits saw a surge in interest, with over 12 million searches related to exploring history and culture. Xiaohongshu has become a vital tool for travelers, helping them discover unique destinations and experiences both within China and abroad.

Pets and Culinary Adventures

The report also highlights trends in pet ownership and culinary exploration. The Bichon Frise was the most popular dog breed searched on the platform, while the Ragdoll topped the list for cats. Xiaohongshu has even become known as the "#Pet Naming Bible," with users turning to the platform to find the perfect names for their pets.

In the culinary realm, novice chefs frequently searched for tutorials, with #Cola Chicken Wings standing out as the most popular dish. Food searches also revealed regional preferences, with residents of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai favoring Luosifen (snail rice noodles), while Chengdu locals focused on healthy and delicious options.

Fitness and Fashion Insights

Fitness is another area where Xiaohongshu users are highly active, particularly with the rise of the 'citywalk' trend among Gen Z. The platform has become a go-to resource for finding walking routes, outfit ideas, and fitness tips, with many users pledging to slim down before the summer heat.

Fashion trends on the platform show a shift towards comfort, with sneakers being favored over high heels. The report also highlights a growing interest in style makeovers, with nearly 20,000 young men seeking advice on clothing, hairstyles, and shoe pairings in the first half of 2024.

Relationships and Self-Improvement

The search data also reflects users' focus on relationships and self-improvement. Xiaohongshu has become a valuable guide for navigating romantic relationships, from communication skills with a crush to strategies for reconciling after a breakup. Additionally, mature-age study has gained popularity, with many users over the age of 30 actively exploring academic opportunities and personal development.

Xiaohongshu as a Lifestyle Companion

With its mission to "inspire lives," Xiaohongshu continues to be an essential platform for younger generations in China, offering a wealth of information and inspiration across various aspects of daily life. The platform's vibrant community and authentic sharing have made it a key source of lifestyle decisions, reflecting the diverse interests and needs of its users.


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